Wednesday, April 30, 2008

How to work in Singapore

How I wish I could work or experience to work to the other country. If you are going to ask me why? because here in the Philippines, the competition for a job is very difficult and you need a lot of experience for you to land a job. And the compensation here is not that competitive unlike on other countries.

Singapore is one of the best destinations for Filipinos seeking greener pastures. Top reason for working here is the higher salary compared in our country. It is located 3 hours away from the Philippines and air fare is ranging only from Php 2000 to Php 5000. Climate here is same as in our country so you don’t need to adjust.

How much can you earn here? If you are a degree holder of any course, you are entitled to earn a monthly income of SGD1,800 minimum. Salary has no limit and you can earn up to several thousand depending on your expertise and position. They have a government branch called ‘Ministry of Manpower’ who sees to it that you are well compensated. Otherwise, they will not allow you to be employed. Salary also can vary depending on the company that will hire you and the degree that you have. The IT personnel have the advantage of having the highest salary in all the fields. With this salary, for sure you can go back home every month.

How to go to Singapore? As mentioned earlier, air fare is ranging only from Php 2000 to Php 5000. Since Singapore is an ASEAN member country, you don’t need a visa. Passport and a plane ticket are that two things that you must have. There are two options that I will discuss on how to go to Singapore fast.

First is by using a tourist pass. Once you are here, the immigration personnel will grant you 14 to 30 days pass to stay. In most cases, they will grant you 30 days. After that, you can ask for an extension for another 30 days for a total of almost 2 months. You can use that to look and apply for a job.

Another option is by applying for a long term social visit pas or the EPEC. If you have this pass, you are allowed to stay in Singapore for a year to look and apply for a job. Applying for EPEC is online and free. However, there are only few accredited schools in the Philippines. Try this link to apply for an EPEC online.;jsessionid=HCPV26PLJy1YVkmGf6qJ1cCXPx2s4pvrCZ6rGTYSrkvtnvBnNWpj!1475350604 or visit the MOM website

How to apply jobs? Here in Singapore, 95% of jobs are posted online. All you need is a resume with attached photo. Although application is done online, you need to be here before you start emailing them or it will be wasted. They will only entertain applicants who are in Singapore.

How to work in Singapore? Unlike other countries, you are not binded by a contract once you are working. You will receive same privileges and benefits as the local personnel. Probationary period is ranging from 3 months up to 6 months before you become a regular employee. There are different work passes that you can have depending on the salary. The S Pass is given for workers with salary of USD 1800 up to USD 2499 while E Pass is given for workers with salary of USD 2500 or more.

Do you have a future in Singapore? After working for 6 months, you can apply for a Permanent Residence pass. Once approved, you can now bring your immediate family to stay in Singapore. Having this pass also entitles you to buy and own a house at a very affordable price. Singapore Citizenship can be attained if you stay for straight 2 years as Permanent Resident.

Taken from: How to work in Singapore

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